Maori is a New Zealand aborigine and is the important thing that it is able to be separate the culture with the New Zealand life.
Maori art is famous for Maori carving.
Curving and knitting were born as practical technology in the traditional lifestyle of the Maori.
There is a sculpture of "Natoroirangi" on the rock face in the extreme south of the mine bay of Lake Taupo.
For the people of the Maori, knitting is not just handicrafts. It is called weving. They use only a plant and knit various things.
Maori art is famous for Maori carving.
Curving and knitting were born as practical technology in the traditional lifestyle of the Maori.

For the people of the Maori, knitting is not just handicrafts. It is called weving. They use only a plant and knit various things.